Cluster Activity Name Activity Category Activity Priority Indicator Code Indicator Name Indicator Target Indicator Unit
Refugees & Migrants Multi-sector Provide material and cash assistance Life-saving and protection Critical RMMS08-2 # of PoC receiving cash grants 13998 individuals
Refugees & Migrants Multi-sector Provide durable solutions, including voluntary return, assisted spontaneous return and resettlement Humanitarian Plus and livelihood High RMMS09-1 # of beneficiaries who received voluntary humanitarian return 1000 individuals
Refugees & Migrants Multi-sector Provide durable solutions, including voluntary return, assisted spontaneous return and resettlement Humanitarian Plus and livelihood High RMMS09-2 # of PoC provided with safe and dignified returnee transport 10000 individuals
Refugees & Migrants Multi-sector Conduct capacity building and sensitization of stakeholders Humanitarian Plus and livelihood High RMMS10-1 # of stakeholders sensitized or trained 1000 individuals
Refugees & Migrants Multi-sector Conduct capacity building and sensitization of stakeholders Humanitarian Plus and livelihood High RMMS10-2 # of border guards and government officials trained 1350 individuals
Shelter/NFI/CCCM Provide essential Non-Food Items (NFI) Life-saving and protection Critical SNC01-1 # of families received NFIs 142466 HHs
Shelter/NFI/CCCM Provide Emergency Shelter (ES) Life-saving and protection Critical SNC02-1 # of families received ES 83640 HHs
Shelter/NFI/CCCM Provide cash assistance for rental subsidies (for 9 months) Life-saving and protection Critical SNC03-1 # of families received cash assistance for rental subsidies HHs
Shelter/NFI/CCCM Provide cash grants for rehabilitation/reconstruction of damaged/destroyed houses Humanitarian Plus and livelihood Critical SNC04-1 # of families benefited from the rehabilitation of their house 12151 HHs
Shelter/NFI/CCCM Provide cash grants for rehabilitation/reconstruction of damaged/destroyed houses Humanitarian Plus and livelihood Critical SNC04-2 # of families benefited from the rehabilitation of their house 2904 HHs
Shelter/NFI/CCCM Site Management and Coordination Support and monitoring Coordination, assessments and common services Critical SNC05-1 # of beneficiaries residing in sites with established site management structure 123895 individuals
Shelter/NFI/CCCM Site Management and Coordination Support and monitoring Coordination, assessments and common services Critical SNC05-2 # of beneficiaries residing in sites that have been monitored on monthly basis 102712 individuals
Shelter/NFI/CCCM Conduct CCCM Baseline Assessment Coordination, assessments and common services High SNC06-1 # of beneficiaries residing in sites covered by the Baseline Assessment 151589 individuals
Shelter/NFI/CCCM Upgrade / Basic Shelter Maintenance Life-saving and protection High SNC07-1 # of families benefited from the upgrade of their shelter 21674 HHs
Shelter/NFI/CCCM Upgrade / Basic Shelter Maintenance Life-saving and protection High SNC07-2 # of families benefited from the basic maintenance of their shelter 21674 HHs
Shelter/NFI/CCCM Provide Winterization Support Life-saving and protection Critical SNC08-1 # of families received NFIs winterization support HHs
Shelter/NFI/CCCM Provide Winterization Support Life-saving and protection Critical SNC08-2 # of families received Shelter winterization support HHs
Shelter/NFI/CCCM Conduct capacity building programs (Shelter / NFI / CCCM / IM / Etc.) Coordination, assessments and common services High SNC09-1 # of stakeholders participated in capacity building programs 2137 individuals
Shelter/NFI/CCCM Conduct Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM) Coordination, assessments and common services High SNC10-1 # of beneficiaries covered with PDM 385954 individuals
Shelter/NFI/CCCM Construction / Rehabilitation of Transitional Shelter Life-saving and protection Critical SNC11-1 # of families received new transitional shelter 10726 HHs
Shelter/NFI/CCCM Construction / Rehabilitation of Transitional Shelter Life-saving and protection Critical SNC11-2 # of families benefited from the rehabilitation of their transitional shelter 2526 HHs
Shelter/NFI/CCCM Conduct Needs Assessment Coordination, assessments and common services High SNC12-1 # of families covered with needs assessment 367573 HHs
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Provide, rehabilitate and maintain water supply systems for affected populations Life-saving and protection Critical WSH01-1 estimated # of people served by support to operation, maintenance and rehabilitation of public water systems 7288599 individuals
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Provide, rehabilitate and maintain sanitation systems for affected populations Life-saving and protection Critical WSH02-1 # of people served by support to operation, maintenance and rehabilitation of public sanitation systems 5149859 individuals
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Provide emergency safe water supply to IDPs, vulnerable groups and other affected people Life-saving and protection Critical WSH03-1 # of affected people with access to safe water as per agreed standards (7.5-15l per person per day) 1703359 individuals
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Household latrine construction / rehabilitation / desludging Life-saving and protection Critical WSH04-1 # of people with access to latrines (through construction, desludging, or rehabilitation of latrines) 1223908 individuals
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Provide standard hygiene kits (basic and consumable) Life-saving and protection Critical WSH05-1 # of people provided with standard basic hygiene kit 2322981 individuals
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Provide standard hygiene kits (basic and consumable) Life-saving and protection Critical WSH05-2 # of people provided with standard consumable hygiene kit 5332045 individuals
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Reinforce coordination and information management capacity within the relevant national and sub-national structures to respond effectively and efficiently to acute and structural emergencies Coordination, assessments and common services Critical WSH06-1 # of local WASH partners reached with capacity building for preparedness and response 1709 partners
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Reinforce coordination and information management capacity within the relevant national and sub-national structures to respond effectively and efficiently to acute and structural emergencies Coordination, assessments and common services Critical WSH06-2 # of needs assessments conducted (informing strategic decision making) 349 assessment
Education Rehabilitate Schools and WASH facilities Life-saving and protection Critical EDU01-1 # of students benefitted from schools with partial damage rehabilitated (including WASH) 287 students
Education Rehabilitate Schools and WASH facilities Life-saving and protection Critical EDU01-2 # of students benefitted from WASH facilities rehabilitated in schools including provision of cleaning materials and hygiene promotion. 1125 students
Education Provide new and repaired desks Life-saving and protection Critical EDU02-1 # of students provided with new desks 38475 students
Education Provide new and repaired desks Life-saving and protection Critical EDU02-2 # of students provided with repaired desks 20900 students
Education Provide schools supplies, basic learning materials and textbooks Life-saving and protection Critical EDU03-1 # of children receiving school bags and essential learning materials 1200000 children
Education Provide schools supplies, basic learning materials and textbooks Life-saving and protection Critical EDU03-2 # of students receiving textbooks 300000 students
Education Establish/support temporary learning supplies and/or alternative learning opportunities Life-saving and protection Critical EDU04-1 # of students benefiting from established temporary learning classrooms 41300 students
Education Establish/support temporary learning supplies and/or alternative learning opportunities Life-saving and protection Critical EDU04-2 # of students benefiting from of supported alternative learning opportunities 58000 students
Education Train students/teachers in emergency related areas Life-saving and protection High EDU05-1 # of students benefitted from emergency related training/activities 1000000 students
Education Train education staff/FMCs/schools' clubs on emergency in education Life-saving and protection High EDU06-1 # of MoE offices/FMCs staff trained on EiE 720 individuals
Education Train education staff/FMCs/schools' clubs on emergency in education Life-saving and protection High EDU06-2 # of members of schools' councils and committee's trained to deal with emergencies 23427 individuals
Education Provide hygiene kits/cleaning materials and hygiene promotion activities Life-saving and protection High EDU07-1 # of students benefited from Hygiene promotion activities including provision of hygiene kits/cleaning materials 95768 students
Education Provide school food to students Life-saving and protection High EDU08-1 # of students benefited from school feeding support 35200 students
Education Support MoE to administer national exams for grades 9 and 12 Life-saving and protection High EDU09-1 # of students benefitted from national exam support 600000 students
Emergency Employment and Community Rehanilitation Clear Land of Mines and explosive ordnances (survey and clearance) Life-saving and protection Critical EECR01-1 Sq. m cleared of mines and explosive ordnances 5000000 square meter
Emergency Employment and Community Rehanilitation Clear Land of Mines and explosive ordnances (survey and clearance) Life-saving and protection Critical EECR01-2 Sq. m surveyed for mines and explosive ordnance 5000000 square meter
Emergency Employment and Community Rehanilitation Dispose of explosive ordnances Humanitarian Plus and livelihood High EECR02-1 # of landmines and explosive ordnances removed/destroyed 400000 UXOs
Emergency Employment and Community Rehanilitation Provide technical and operational capacity for the maintenance and restoration of critical services in affected districts Humanitarian Plus and livelihood High EECR03-1 # of people accessing supported services 489449 HHs
Emergency Employment and Community Rehanilitation Provide technical and operational capacity for the maintenance and restoration of critical services in affected districts Humanitarian Plus and livelihood High EECR03-2 # of state essential service providers that are preserved/sustained through rehabilitation service providers
Emergency Employment and Community Rehanilitation Provide access to business recovery and alternative income sources Humanitarian Plus and livelihood Critical EECR04-1 # of affected households having access to alternative income sources (through Micro and Small Business Recovery schemes) 41651 HHs
Emergency Employment and Community Rehanilitation Provide access to business recovery and alternative income sources Humanitarian Plus and livelihood Critical EECR04-2 # of affected households having access to alternative income sources/employment (through Cash for Work schemes) 135499 HHs
Emergency Employment and Community Rehanilitation Provide opportunities for Durable Solutions and sustainable reintegration to IDPs and returnees Humanitarian Plus and livelihood High EECR05-1 # of returnee households having received assistance for reintegration (solutions to displacement) 1135 HHs
Emergency Employment and Community Rehanilitation Provide opportunities for Durable Solutions and sustainable reintegration to IDPs and returnees Humanitarian Plus and livelihood High EECR05-2 # of IDPs households receiving economic empowerment assistance to enhance their self-reliance in displacement 1160 HHs
Emergency Employment and Community Rehanilitation Conduct capacity-building of LNGOs, CSOs, leading Private Sector actors and local authorities that leads to better implementation of activities and leading to the strengthening of their crisis-related resilience Humanitarian Plus and livelihood High EECR06-1 # of local actors having received capacity building 4290 partners
Emergency Employment and Community Rehanilitation Conduct capacity-building of LNGOs, CSOs, leading Private Sector actors and local authorities that leads to better implementation of activities and leading to the strengthening of their crisis-related resilience Humanitarian Plus and livelihood High EECR06-2 # of actors taking part in coordination mechanisms among national actors (Proxy Indicator) 217 partners
Emergency Telecomm Telecommunication/data connectivity provision in 5 Humanitarian Hubs Coordination, assessments and common services High ETC01-1 # of Internet service provided 5 hubs
Emergency Telecomm ETC Service Desk Coordination, assessments and common services High ETC02-1 # Humanitarian Staff, in UNCAF, Supported with IT services staff
Emergency Telecomm ETC Link Improvement Coordination, assessments and common services Critical ETC03-1 Heads of agencies and deputies provided with improved ETC link 100 staff
Emergency Telecomm Establish and maintain community engagement platform Coordination, assessments and common services High ETC04-1 Community is connected with Humanitarian assistance providers 100 users
Food Security and Agriculture Provision of emergency food assistance (in kind, cash transfers, or voucher transfers) Life-saving and protection FSAC01-1 # of Individuals receiving regular emergency food assistance (General Food Assistance) 8404167 individuals
Food Security and Agriculture Livelihoods Assistance (Short-term (5.7 M people) & long term (400,000 people) Emergency Livelihoods support) Humanitarian Plus and livelihood FSAC02-1 Emergency Livelihoods Assistance - # of Individuals provided with access to emergency agricultural, livestock or fisheries assistance 5700000 individuals
Food Security and Agriculture Livelihoods Assistance (Short-term (5.7 M people) & long term (400,000 people) Emergency Livelihoods support) Humanitarian Plus and livelihood FSAC02-2 Livelihoods Restoration - # of Individuals provided with access to income generating activities, livelihood skills development and longer term asset support 400000 individuals
Food Security and Agriculture Cluster Coordination Coordination, assessments and common services FSAC03-1 Timely, coherent and effective food security response by mobilizing stakeholders to respond in a strategic manner NA
Health Provide primary, secondary health care and referral services through implementation of Minimum Health Service Package, provide operational cost and support to ensure functionality of selected health facilities in priority districts in Yemen. Life-saving and protection Critical HEA01-1 # of medical consultations conducted 10490918 individuals
Health Provide primary, secondary health care and referral services through implementation of Minimum Health Service Package, provide operational cost and support to ensure functionality of selected health facilities in priority districts in Yemen. Life-saving and protection Critical HEA01-2 # of medical consultations for IDPs conducted 1785498 individuals
Health Prevent and respond to communicable diseases outbreaks including cholera Life-saving and protection Critical HEA02-1 #of outbreaks detected and responded to within 96 hours NA
Health Vaccinate children and pregnant women through routine EPI, conduct outreach activities and vaccination campaigns. Life-saving and protection Critical HEA03-1 # of children under one year received penta 3 700055 children
Health Provide reproductive health services based on MISP, including emergency obstetric care services. Life-saving and protection Critical HEA04-1 # of deliveries assisted by a skilled birth attendant 3069104 women
Health Early diagnose, properly manage, provide medicines and refer noncommunicable diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and mental disorders. Humanitarian Plus and livelihood High HEA05-1 # of consultations for hypertension 1227642 adults
Health Establish and offer trauma care, including life-support, referral, management and rehabilitation. Life-saving and protection Critical HEA06-1 # of conflict-induced trauma cases received life-saving medical care NA
Health Provide medicines, medical supplies and equipment to enable implementation of minimum service package. Life-saving and protection High HEA07-1 # of primary health care facilities received primary health care kits 3889 HF
Health Conduct priority capacity building activities, develop, update and disseminate guidelines and protocols to adopt and scale up implementation of minimum service package. Humanitarian Plus and livelihood High HEA08-1 # of health cluster members implementing health care delivery receive training of trainers on implementation of minimum service package (MSP) 3889 HF
Health Conduct assessments to feed into cluster information systems and strengthen coordination of health and inter-clusters interventions. Coordination, assessments and common services High HEA09-1 # of health facilities sharing weekly surveillance report 3500 HF
Health Renovate, rehabilitate and equip selected health facilities in priority districts to make them fully functional. Humanitarian Plus and livelihood High HEA10-1 # of health facilities renovated or rehabilitated and / or refurbished 972 HF
Logistics Logistics Cluster coordination and information management Coordination, assessments and common services High LOG01-1 # of coordination meetings 28 meetings
Logistics Logistics Cluster coordination and information management Coordination, assessments and common services High LOG01-2 # of IM products 65 products
Logistics Provide cargo transport to and across Yemen Coordination, assessments and common services High LOG02-1 # of MT transported 3000 metric Tons
Logistics Provide temporary cargo storage Coordination, assessments and common services High LOG03-1 # of MT Temporary stored 6000 metric Tons
Logistics Provide Passenger Sea Transport Coordination, assessments and common services Critical LOG04-1 # of see passengers transported 1300 passenger
Logistics Provide Fuel Coordination, assessments and common services Critical LOG05-1 # of fuel litres provided 5000000 litres
Logistics Provide passenger Air Transport Coordination, assessments and common services Critical LOG06-1 # of passengers transported by UNHAS 10000 passenger
Logistics Al Hudaydah Port rehabilitation Coordination, assessments and common services High LOG07-1 Al Hudaydah port infrastructure is rehabilitated for humanitarian purposes NA
Nutrition Treat severe acute malnutrition in children 0-59 months Life-saving or protection Critical NUT01-1 # of boys and girls aged 6-59 months admitted for SAM treatment without complications 276337 children
Nutrition Treat severe acute malnutrition in children 0-59 months Life-saving or protection Critical NUT01-2 # of boys and girls aged 0-59 months admitted for SAM treatment with complications 13027 children
Nutrition Treat moderate acute malnutrition in children 6-59 months Life-saving or protection Critical NUT02-1 # of boys and girls aged 6-59 months admitted for MAM treatment 842275 children
Nutrition Treat acute malnutrition in pregnant and lactating mothers Life-saving or protection Critical NUT03-1 # of PLW with acute malnutrition admitted for treatment 527487 pregnant or lactating women
Nutrition Provide health education for mothers/caregivers of infants children aged 0-23 months Life-saving or protection Critical NUT04-1 # of caregivers of infants and children aged 6-23 months received health education 1404260 individuals
Nutrition Provide micronutrient supplementations for girls and boys (6-24 months) not enrolled in community-based management of acute malnutrition(CMAM) or BSFP Life-saving or protection Critical NUT05-1 # of children 6-24 months (boys and girls) received MNP 729440 children
Nutrition Provide micronutrient supplementations for girls and boys (6-24 months) not enrolled in community-based management of acute malnutrition(CMAM) or BSFP Life-saving or protection Critical NUT05-2 # of children 6-59 months received Vitamin A supplementation 4176839 children
Nutrition Prevent acute malnutrition in children 6-24 months (boys and girls) and PLW Life-saving or protection High NUT06-1 # of boys and girls aged 0-23 months at risk of malnutrition reached with BSFP support 357744 children
Nutrition Prevent acute malnutrition in children 6-24 months (boys and girls) and PLW Life-saving or protection High NUT06-2 # of PLW at risk of malnutrition reached with BSFP support 238846 pregnant or lactating women
Nutrition Provide iron-folic supplementation to PLW Life-saving and protection High NUT07-1 # of PLW received Iron folate supplementation 1043678 pregnant or lactating women
Nutrition Screening of children aged 6-59 months and referral of children with acute malnutrition to the treatment programs Life-saving and protection Critical NUT08-1 # of boys and girls aged 6-59 months screened for acute malnutrition and referred for treatment if needed 2784559 children
Nutrition Train CHVs, HWs, cluster partners, local authorities, etc. in different aspects of NiE Life-saving and protection Critical NUT09-1 # of people trained 15000 partners
Nutrition Conduct needs assessment and analysis Coordination, assessments and common services High NUT10-1 # of SMART surveys conducted 22 surveys
Nutrition Conduct needs assessment and analysis Coordination, assessments and common services High NUT10-2 Advocacy, coordination and information management assessment
Protection Carry out protection, human rights and IHL monitoring and assessments Life-saving and protection Critical PRO01-1 # of persons consulted or assessed through protection, human rights and IHL monitoring 389271 individuals
Protection Provide Psychosocial support Life-saving and protection Critical PRO02-1 # of persons benefiting from psychosocial support (not including CP or GBV) 259514 individuals
Protection Provide legal assistance, including legal advice, legal counselling, representation and alternative dispute resolution Life-saving and protection Critical PRO03-1 # of persons benefiting from legal assistance 66488 individuals
Protection Provide Cash assistance through protection programming and case management Life-saving and protection Critical PRO04-1 # of persons benefiting from protection cash assistance 116781 individuals
Protection Support Community-based protection networks Life-saving and protection Critical PRO05-1 # of persons engaged as members of community-based protection networks and committees 5000 individuals
Protection Support Community protection initiatives Life-saving and protection Critical PRO06-1 # of persons benefiting from community-based initiatives on protection, including awareness raising, conflict prevention/resolution and peaceful co-existence 128602 individuals
Protection Support Community protection initiatives Life-saving and protection Critical PRO06-2 # community centres providing protection assistance and services supported 150 centres
Protection Carry out capacity building Life-saving and protection Critical PRO07-1 # of persons benefiting from protection training or capacity-building 8000 individuals
Protection Carry out Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism Life-saving and protection Critical PRO08-1 % of incidents verified and documented from all reported incidents / # of children covered by MRM 2743929 children
Protection Carry out mine risk education Life-saving and protection Critical PRO09-1 # of children and community members reached with life-saving mine risk education messaging 1684106 individuals
Protection Provide psychosocial support for children Life-saving and protection Critical PRO10-1 # of children and caregivers in conflict-affected areas receiving psychosocial support. 682268 individuals
Protection Provide critical child protection services Life-saving and protection Critical PRO11-1 # of children reached with critical child protection services (family tracing and reunification, case management, Victim assistance) 12932 children
Protection Provide GBV services including referral for GBV survivors (health, legal, psychosocial, shelter and income generating skills) Life-saving and protection Critical PRO12-1 # of GBV beneficiaries reached with lifesaving GBV multi-sectoral services and support 31561 individuals
Protection Provide GBV services including referral for GBV survivors (health, legal, psychosocial, shelter and income generating skills) Life-saving and protection Critical PRO12-2 # of targeted women and girls safe centres/spaces established 6 centres
Protection Conduct GBV capacity building and mitigation Life-saving and protection High PRO13-1 # of service providers trained (includes Clinical Management of Rape (CMR), case management (CM), gender-based violence (GBV), psychosocial support, standard operating procedures (SOPs), safe referral and PFA). 1000 partners
Protection Conduct awareness raising activities with individual and households to prevent and mitigate GBV Coordination, assessments and common services High PRO14-1 # of vulnerable women, girls, men and boys reached with awareness about GBV issues 1505447 individuals
Protection Conduct awareness raising activities with individual and households to prevent and mitigate GBV Coordination, assessments and common services High PRO14-2 # of community protection committees formed to address GBV issues including child marriage 93 partners
Protection Provide income generating activities and life skills to the most vulnerable of women, girls, men and boys Life-saving and protection Critical PRO15-1 # of vulnerable women, girls, men and boys accessing alternative income generating activities and skills building 15781 individuals
Protection Provide income generating activities and life skills to the most vulnerable of women, girls, men and boys Life-saving and protection Critical PRO15-2 # of GBV survivors and risk groups receiving cash assistance 11046 individuals
Protection Procure and distribute dignity kits to the most affected displaced people of women and girls and Post Rape Treatment to the health facilities Life-saving and protection Critical PRO16-1 # of dignity kits distributed 78917 kits
Protection Procure and distribute dignity kits to the most affected displaced people of women and girls and Post Rape Treatment to the health facilities Life-saving and protection Critical PRO16-2 # Post Rape Treatment (PRT) kits 21 kits
Refugees & Migrants Multi-sector Provide health assistance (emergency, primary, MISP – including HIV management, psychosocial counselling and services, health education) Life-saving and protection Critical RMMS01-1 # of beneficiaries who received health assistance 34500 individuals
Refugees & Migrants Multi-sector Provide health assistance (emergency, primary, MISP – including HIV management, psychosocial counselling and services, health education) Life-saving and protection Critical RMMS01-2 # of persons of concern have access to primary health care 129124 individuals
Refugees & Migrants Multi-sector Provide food and drinking water Life-saving and protection Critical RMMS02-1 # of beneficiaries who received food and drinking water 10300 individuals
Refugees & Migrants Multi-sector Provide food and drinking water Life-saving and protection Critical RMMS02-2 # of people receiving food aid (in kind) 34572 individuals
Refugees & Migrants Multi-sector Provide WASH services Life-saving and protection High RMMS03-1 # of beneficiaries who received WASH services 2550 individuals
Refugees & Migrants Multi-sector Provide WASH services Life-saving and protection High RMMS03-2 # of household sanitary facilities/ latrines constructed 34572 individuals
Refugees & Migrants Multi-sector Provide of shelter Life-saving and protection Critical RMMS04-1 # of beneficiaries who received emergency, temporary, camp shelter 1550 individuals
Refugees & Migrants Multi-sector Provide of shelter Life-saving and protection Critical RMMS04-2 # of persons of concern per shelter 10372 individuals
Refugees & Migrants Multi-sector Carry out screening, registration and documentation Humanitarian Plus and livelihood High RMMS05-1 # of beneficiaries screened 5300 individuals
Refugees & Migrants Multi-sector Carry out screening, registration and documentation Humanitarian Plus and livelihood High RMMS05-2 # of persons of concern provided with individual protection documentation 130983 individuals
Refugees & Migrants Multi-sector Provide child protection services for unaccompanied/separated migrant/refugee/asylum seeker children Life-saving and protection Critical RMMS06-1 # of reported cases of child abuse, neglect, violence and exploitation 12302 individuals
Refugees & Migrants Multi-sector Provide of education Humanitarian Plus and livelihood High RMMS07-1 # of children enrolled in primary education 49248 children
Refugees & Migrants Multi-sector Provide material and cash assistance Life-saving and protection Critical RMMS08-1 # of beneficiaries who received NFI kits (hygiene, dignity, etc). 15050 individuals